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대한민국 1등 바이오 기업! 나아가 세계 일류 기업을 지향하는 iNtRON 최고의 제품들을 우수한 논문에서 확인 하세요!
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Pathol Res Pract(2011)15;207(10):634-9. doi: 10.1016/j.prp.2011.07.011. Oncogenic anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) mutation in neuroblastomas and other pediatric
tumors (서울삼성병원)
Korean J Pathol(2011) 45(2):175-181. Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of Tracheobronchial Tree: Clinicopathological Study of 31 Cases
Gut(2011)60(11):1527-36. Genetic polymorphisms of IL-23R and IL-17A and novel insights into their associations with
inflasmmatory bowel disease (연세대)
Vet Microbiol(2011)24;148(2-4):396-401. Detection and characterization of bovine-like coronaviruses from four species of
zoo ruminants (수의과학검역원)
J Proteome Res(2010)6;9(8):4003-15. Proteomic Analysis of Protein Expression Affected by Peroxiredoxin V Knock-Down in Hypoxic
Kidney (전남대)