Citation대한민국 No.1 iNtRON

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대한민국 1등 바이오 기업! 나아가 세계 일류 기업을 지향하는 iNtRON 최고의 제품들을 우수한 논문에서 확인 하세요!
주요 논문 확인하기전체 / 170건
주요 논문 저널,논문명 목록입니다
저널 논문명
Urology(2010)75(4):923-7. Vitamin D Receptor Gene A/w, Fok I, Apa I, and Taq I Polymorphisms in Patients With Urinary
Stone (원광대)
Mol Cells(2010)29(1):21-8. Identification of Single Nuclotide Polymorphisms in the TNFRSF17 Gene and Their Association with
Gastrointestinal Disorders (원광대)
Exp Mol Med(2010)28;42(2):99-104. Identification of the polymorphisms in IFITM3 gene and their assocication in a Korea population
with ulcerative colitis (원광대)
Nature Medicine(2010)16(6):687-93 Hypoxia-inducible factor-2a is a catabolic regulator of osteoarthritic cartilage destruction
Anim Genet.(2009)40(6):1001. Identification of polymorphisms in the Toll-like receptor gene and the association with allergic
rhinitis (원광대)