Citation대한민국 No.1 iNtRON

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대한민국 1등 바이오 기업! 나아가 세계 일류 기업을 지향하는 iNtRON 최고의 제품들을 우수한 논문에서 확인 하세요!
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저널 논문명
The Plant Pathology J.(2024) 40(2), 115 Viral Metatranscriptomic Analysis to Reveal the Diversity of Viruses Infecting Satsuma Mandarin (Citrus unshiu) in Korea
Food Control (2024)Volume157 Development of a novel serogrouping method for the rapid detection of 21 Escherichia coli O-serotypes using multiplex real-time PCR
Zagazig Uni. Medical Journal (2024)Vol. 30 No2 Association of prothrombin G20210 gene polymorphism and risk of thrombosis in β-thalassemic children In Egypt
Application of Clinical Genetics (2024)Vol 17 [G-spin™ Total DNA Extraction Kit (17045)]
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis of Androgen Resistance Syndrome Caused by Mutation on the AR Gene in Vietnam
Journal of Endodontics (2024)Vol 50, Issue 8 Microbiota Association and Profiling of Gingival Sulci and Root Canals of Teeth with Primary or Secondary/Persistent Endodontic Infections